Wednesday 14 October 2009
We're delighted to announce the launch of the revamped, primped and preened, my online Little Black Book of not only Great Places to Stay and Eat, but also Great Restaurants to Eat in too.
Months of research, design and programming time have gone in to deliver a new, attractive, innovative and very useful site to highlight the wealth of hospitality and food talent in this gorgeous country of ours.
As time goes on we will be further developing the site and keeping you in touch with latest happenings and developments in the hospitality industry, restaurant and foodie world.
At lot of effort too has gone into making this site ‘user friendly’ – easy to access and easy to use so I hope you will find it simple and easy to use.
Every day we will be updating Special Offers, which are very important in this day and age.
Please do let me know if you have any suggestions or recommendations of places you have enjoyed. Tell us what you think; we want to know your opinions and how you want to eat in today’s ever-changing world.