Restaurant Review - Suertado

Tuesday 28 January 2025
It’s not that I expected Salma Hayek to be doing the Mexican Hat Dance or Sergio Pérez to be stuffing the tacos, but three cacti on the bar counter didn’t exactly scream of a hot Latino vibe. With no particular identity to speak of, I could’ve been sitting in any bland American-style diner but, having said that, hell, the food was damn good. This is the reincarnation of John Farrell’s former Dillinger’s which had opened in 2009 and which, I guess, after 15 years had basically run its course. A court case with a former chef hitting the headlines in late 2023 may not have helped.
Farrell is a seasoned operator, so enter Suertudo, a little sister to his popular Mexican restaurant 777 on South Great George’s Street. Having had a number of restaurants in the city and surrounds down the years, his current line-up also includes the nearby Butcher Grill, as well as Amy Austin on Drury Street and Eleven over Whelehans Wines on the N11 at Loughlinstown.
First Published In The Sunday Independent