The Sunny South East

Wednesday 10 August 2022
Whether it was walking the glorious beach at Rosslare Strand, tucking into an enormous seafood platter in Kilmore Quay, or revisiting a longstanding restaurant under new management, I couldn’t help feeling slightly smug that I’d chosen a break in the Sunny South East rather than having to endure the nightmare queues I was seeing reported at Dublin Airport — with the added ‘fun’ of lost luggage, not to mention all of the cancelled return flights. Indeed, over the same few days, this sort of disaster happened to a good friend of mine, whom I was supposed to meet in Waterford for dinner at Stephen McArdle and Morgan Vanderkamer’s new Union Wine Bar & Kitchen on The Mall.
He’d gone to Switzerland for a business meeting but his return flight was cancelled at the last minute. Having secured another flight the next day from Lyon, some 300km away, he took the train south. Murphy’s Law kicked in, however, and the train broke down. The weary traveller eventually got home but we missed our dinner date.
First Published In The Sunday Independent